One. 2012;7(5):e36197. Epub 2012 May 1.
ケトン食は高脂肪、低炭水化物(低糖質)の食事で、血中のケトン体の濃度を高めることによって体内のエネルギー代謝を変える。KetoCal® は市販されている食品で、ケトン比(脂肪:炭水化物+蛋白質)が4:1で必須栄養素を完全に含んでおり、難治性のてんかんのに対する非薬物治療として有効性が認められている。この食事によって誘導されるケトン血症は脳細胞の恒常性に変化を与え、悪性グリオーマなど他の神経疾患の治療にも効果が期待されている。
我々は、悪性グリオーマの頭蓋内生体蛍光マウスモデル( intracranial bioluminescent mouse model of malignant glioma)を用い、グリオーマ細胞を移植後、標準的な食事を与えるグループとケトン食を与えるグループに分けた。それぞれのグループに2x4Gの全脳照射を行い、腫瘍の増殖を生体内イメージングによって追跡した。
PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36197. Epub 2012 May 1.
The ketogenic
diet is an effective adjuvant to radiation therapy for the treatment of
malignant glioma.
Abdelwahab MG, Fenton KE, Preul MC, Rho JM, Lynch A, Stafford P, Scheck AC.
Neuro-Oncology Research, Barrow
Neurological Institute® of St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix,
Arizona, United States of America.
The ketogenic diet (KD)
is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that alters metabolism by increasing
the level of ketone bodies in the blood. KetoCal® (KC) is a nutritionally
complete, commercially available 4:1
(fat:carbohydrate+protein) ketogenic formula that is an effective
non-pharmacologic treatment for the management of refractory pediatric
epilepsy. Diet-induced ketosis causes changes to brain homeostasis that
have potential for the treatment of other neurological diseases such as
malignant gliomas.
We used an intracranial
bioluminescent mouse model of malignant glioma. Following implantation
animals were maintained on standarddiet (SD) or KC. The mice received 2×4
Gy of whole brain radiation and tumor growth was followed by in vivo imaging.
Animals fed KC had elevated
levels of β-hydroxybutyrate (p = 0.0173) and an increased median survival of
approximately 5 days relative to animals maintained on SD. KC plus radiation
treatment were more than additive, and in 9 of 11 irradiated animals maintained
on KC the bioluminescent signal from the tumor cells diminished below the level
of detection (p<0.0001). Animals were switched to SD 101 days after
implantation and no signs of tumor recurrence were seen for over 200 days.
KC significantly enhances the
anti-tumor effect of radiation. This suggests that cellular metabolic
alterations induced through KC may be useful as an adjuvant to the current
standard of care for the treatment of human malignant gliomas.
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