walnuts inhibit colorectal cancer growth in mice by suppressing angiogenesis.)Nutrition 28(1): 67-75, 2012
結果:腫瘍の増殖速度は、コントロール群(コーンオイル摂取群)に比べて、クルミ摂取群では27%、フラックスシードオイル摂取群では43%減少した。(P < 0.05)
最終的な腫瘍重量は、クルミ摂取群では33%、フラックスシードオイル摂取群では44%の減少を認め、いずれも、コントロール群との差は統計的に有意であった(P < 0.05)
クルミとフラックスシードオイルの効果には統計的な差は認めなかった。代謝や内分泌系や血清抗酸化力や炎症の程度には3群間で差を認めなかった。しかしながら、クルミ摂取群とフラックスシードオイル摂取群では、血管内皮増殖因子(vascular endothelial growth
factor)を含む血管新生に関連する因子の血清中の濃度がそれぞれ30%と80%低下し、腫瘍の体積は縮小したにも拘らず、壊死の部分の面積は約2倍になっていた。食餌中のクルミ添加はCD34の発現レベルで評価した血管新生をコントロール群(コーンオイル摂取群)に比べて著明に抑制したが(P = 0.017 versus control)、フラックスシードオイル摂取群の血管新生阻害のレベル(CD34発現)はコントロール群と有意差を認めなかった(P = 0.454 versus control)。
フラックスシードオイル(flaxseed oil)はアマ(亜麻)の種子(亜麻仁)から採れる油で、これもω3不飽和脂肪酸のα-リノレン酸が豊富です。
Nutrition. 2012 Jan;28(1):67-75. Epub 2011
Jul 27.
walnuts inhibit colorectal cancer growth in mice by suppressing angiogenesis.
Nagel JM, Brinkoetter M, Magkos F, Liu X, Chamberland JP, Shah S, Zhou J, Blackburn G, Mantzoros CS.
Division of Endocrinology,
Diabetes, and Metabolism, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Animal studies have demonstrated
that dietary supplementation with flaxseed oil inhibits colorectal cancer
growth. Recent data indicate that walnuts have strong antiproliferative
properties against colon cancer cells in vitro but no previous study has
assessed the effects of walnuts in vivo or performed a joint evaluation of
flaxseed oil and walnuts. The aim of the present study was to examine the
effect of dietary walnuts on colorectal cancer in vivo and to
comparatively evaluate their efficacy in relation to flaxseed oil.
HT-29 human colon cancer cells
were injected in 6-wk-old female nude mice. After a 1-wk acclimation period,
mice (n = 48) were randomized to diets containing ∼19% of total energy from
walnuts, flaxseed oil, or corn oil (control) and were subsequently studied for
25 d.
Tumor growth rate was
significantly slower in walnut-fed and flaxseed-fed mice compared with corn
oil-fed animals (P < 0.05) by 27% and 43%, respectively. Accordingly, final
tumor weight was reduced by 33% and 44%, respectively (P < 0.05 versus
control); the differences between walnut and flaxseed diets did not reach
significance. We found no differences among groups in metabolic and hormonal
profile, serum antioxidant capacity, or inflammation (P > 0.05). However,
walnuts and flaxseed oil significantly reduced serum expression levels of angiogenesis
factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (by 30% and 80%,
respectively), and approximately doubled total necrotic areas despite smaller
tumor sizes (P < 0.05 versus control). Dietary walnuts significantly
decreased angiogenesis (CD34 staining; P = 0.017 versus control), whereas this
effect did not reach significance in the flaxseed oil group (P = 0.454 versus
We conclude that walnuts in the diet inhibit colorectal cancer growth by suppressing angiogenesis. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings in humans and explore underlying mechanisms.
< 前の記事「 ケトン体が高いほど抗がん作用が強くなる 」 | ホーム | 次の記事「 クルミは乳がんの発生と増殖を抑制する 」 >